Agricultural Experts

Agricultural Experts

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Azolla Bio Fertilizers

Azolla Bio Fertilizers

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Aquaculture Production

Aquaculture Production

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Training & Education

Training & Education

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" Mawazeen " -
Founded By Two Jordanians As A Non-Government Organization.

MAWAZEEN is a none profit organization founded to target large sector of sustainable developments areas especially in Agricultural, Training, Education, Project Developments and Humanitarian, creating opportunities for young men and women through Training and Support to help them achieve their goals.

Agricultural – Overview

The Agriculture sector in Jordan employs 15% of the labor force in the country. The agriculture sector in the Kingdom has economic and social dimensions, especially in rural areas.

Project Objectives :
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Project Objectives

  •  Avoid spoilage of the product while it is being transported to the consumer
  •  Coming out with a competitive product in the local and foreign markets.
  •  Providing new job opportunities for the people of the region.
  •  The absence of a similar project in the northern Badia region that serves farmers.
  •  Improving the economic situation of farmers in the region by exporting their products to foreign markets
  •  This project is one of the main investment that serve the agricultural sector.
  •  This project will provide the necessary cooling that is suitable for each type of vegetable and fruit.

The project is implemented over 20,000 square meters in Sabha, where many agricultural projects are located near the site.

Azolla - Microorganism

" Grows In Jordan "
Azolla is a fast growing and free floating small aquatic fern with a floating stem, its roots hang down in water, it is a well-known bio-fertilizer. Azolla is found to be a less expensive and nutrient rich additional  feed supplement. Azolla requires 25% to 50% of full sunlight for its normal growth. Jordan climate in “North Badia” help Azolla to  grow at the required normal temperature which is around 25 degrees.

How To Grow Azolla :

The soil pits prepared for growing Azolla should be cleaned thoroughly and levelled. A durable hard polythene sheet should be spread over the bottom and the sides of the pit.

All the sides of the sheet should be secured by placing bricks over the side walls

Clean fertile soil should be uniformly spread over the pit. A mixture of water and cow dung mixed with water should be spread over the soil in the pit and the pit should be filled with clean, rock phosphate should be added to water in the pit for healthy growth of Azolla. Subsequently, the pond should be kept for 2-3 days to facilitate the ingredients to settle.

Scientific Background

Azolla plant hosts a symbiotic blue green algae or Cyanobacterium (Anabaena azollae), This blue, green, algae are responsible for the fixation and assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen.


Aquaculture key to increasing seafood supplies to Arab states Overview

The current trends for seafood production in Arab States show declining wild fisheries catches and steadily increasing aquaculture production.

33 % of the seafood consumption in the Arab World come from Aquaculture, the reaming coming from fisheries catches.

This situation requires significant efforts to increase seafood supplies to fish markets in many of the Arab States using Aquaculture. There are several types of aquaculture systems that can be developed in Arab States, including offshore and nearshore cage systems land based, open-flow or RAS ponds, tanks and raceways. Some of these  systems are readily adaptable to and can and have been implemented  relatively quickly, while others may take a longer time to develop.

Our Dedicated Founders.

Al- Qatahan
A Jordanian Agriculture Engineer working in the field of agriculture, running his own business in farming for more than 20+ years of experience.
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Anwar Al-Qatahan

Mr. Anwar Al – Qatahan is a Jordanian Agriculture Engineer working in the field of agriculture,running his own business in farming for more than twenty years with long experience in this field.

Mr. Al-Qatahan is constantly evolving and keeping up with the latest agricultural technologies to become one of the largest and competitive entities Locally, Regionally & Internationally.

Specialized in Almonds fruit production using the most advanced technological machinery so that products can reach end user with excellent condition.

Established his own” Fruits & Vegetable Center for Sorting, Packing & Cooling” in North Badia.

Founder and Executive Director of “MAWAZEEN Development & Training”.

Holds a Bachelor Degree in English and mass media. He is one of the founders of” MAWAZEEN Development & Training” with experience in various training fields.
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Atef Al-Masaed

Mr. Atef Al- Masaed holds a Bachelor Degree in English and mass media.

Mr. Al-Masaed is one of the founders of” MAWAZEEN Development & Training” with excessive experience in various training fields.

Responsibilities being a Senior Instructor and Trainer are to ensure that Topics selected, Objectives & Organizing activities are Orchestrated together to reach the trainees successfully.

Since, Mr. Atef Al-Masaed was amalgamated in various Local, Governmental, Security and International Organizations, started as an authorized interpreter for Public Security Directorate as well as practical application instructor at their training center. Plus, a Training management officer and Site Security officer.

Served the United Nations in various areas:

– SAAT preparation examiner and UN language facilitator.

– UNAMID mission – as a Formed Police Unit (FPU) & community policing officer

– MINUSTAH mission – Maintaining Order Department – technical Advisor as well as a Formed

Police Unit (FPU) & community policing officer

– Child and Protection assistant

Training of Trainers (ToT) Senior officer – courses provided to beginners and advanced Trainers to PSD & National NGOs.

Mr. Atef Al-Masaed has a strong spirit to serve the society in different fields. Committed to world standard values and respect diversity.


& Education

MAWAZEEN specialized training programs will prepare human resources that meet the needs of the existing and established agricultural sector, by providing students with theoretical and practical concepts with corporation of internal and external organizations.

The Training Programs are continuously developed and reviewed according agriculture sector demand.

Training Programs List Are :

Hydroponic Agriculture

Azolla Agriculture

Exploiting fish waste to produce organic fertilizers

Plowing and soil preparation

Design and implementation of irrigation networks using modern methods

Use of organic fertilizer ِ& use of fertilizers and pesticides

Processing and construction of greenhouses

Agricultural equipment and its uses

Trim trees

Pre-harvest operations training

Training in harvesting and reaping the fruits

Packaging training

Training in storage and cooling skills for vegetables and fruits

Scientific methods for using lost production

Agricultural Marketing Skills


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